Shipping Policy
Shipping Questions & Answers
Q: When does your order ship?
A: It takes 5-7 business days (Monday-Friday) for processing before the order is shipped
Q: When will i get noticed when my order is shipped?
A: We will send you a email letting you know your order has been shipped along with tracking number you can track your package with.
Q: How long would it take for me to get my items?
A: All orders take up to 7 business days for us to process make and ship the item out. Once shipped it takes up to 14 to 28 business days not counting weekends for delivery from date of shipment.
Q: What happen if the item is too small or i change my mind can i return it ?
A: All sales are FINAL
Q: Do you ship worldwide ?
A: Yes we do ship worldwide
Q: Can i cancel my order?
A: You have 8 hours to contact us to cancel the order if it past the 8 hours order we can not cancel the order. You will be charge 30% if you requested to cancel the order past hours deadline.
Q: i cant find the tracking email?
A: Please check your spam folder
Q: Is there any delays on my order?
A: if your status hasn't updated in more than 12 days than yes, there is delays and only thing we can do is wait it out.
You may use to track your order as well.